FAQs - General

Q: Do I need planning permission for a single storey extension?

A: Unless you’re in a conservation area, the General Permitted Development Order allows for extensions to be built on many homes without the need for any planning. The phrase used is the enlargement, improvement, or other alteration of a dwelling house.

Q: How do I know if I'm in a conservation area?

A: Historic England provide detailed guidelines to find out if you are in a conservation area.

Q: Do I need to be involved in the planning & design stages?

A: Our expert team of designers, architects & engineers will provide this service for you.

Q: Do I need Building Regulations?

A: Yes, you’ll need building regulations, which we can supply. If you decide to sell your property, the new buyer will ask for the building regulation certification of the new extension.

Q: How big can my home extension be?

A: Our standard build extension is 25 to 35 metres square. However, we can accommodate different specifications. We would always suggest keeping to the government standards on permitted development and would communicate with our planning team if full planning is requested.

Q: Do home extensions come with a warranty?

A: Yes, there’s a warranty of 10 years guaranteed by IWA.

Q: Will an extension add value to my property?

A: Yes 100%. Every extension we have built has added more value to the property after taking off the extension cost by a considerable amount.

Q: Will I need to move out during construction?

A: Depending on the size of the refurbishment inside the existing house and your circumstances. It’s always a good option to move out whilst building work is being done but it’s not a requirement if we can alter your living area.

Q: How long will the home extension take to be completed?

A: Usually, our standard 8 metre by 3 metre extension will take 8 weeks to construct and hand over, start to finish.

Q: Do you also offer landscaping services?

A: Yes, we enjoy landscape designing and building, this can be discussed in our design consultation.

Q: What designs & plans will I receive?

A: From the initial design process you will get a cad plan of your home and extension, a 3d visualisation, video footage from above in the sky, If steels are needed, we will produce engineer drawings and specification, also mood boards will be put together for final design finishes.

FAQs - Pricing

Q: What's included in the £1,500 deposit?

Q: How do the payment terms work?

Q: What's included in the £1,500 deposit?